
This feature lets you document receiving inventory items derived after disassembling a base inventory item with an active recipe of disassembling.  For example, if you have received dressed chickens, they can be disassembled into new inventory items (chicken legs, chicken breast, chicken fillet, and other ingredients) according to the recipe of disassembling the dressed chickens.

This topic helps you create new Acts of Disassembling.

Create New Act of Disassembling 

To create new Act of Disassembling

  1. In the left pane of the Back Office Management console, click the Inventory node, and then click Inventory Transaction.
    This opens Journal of documents.
  2. On the upper menu bar, click Disassembly
    This opens the Disassembly form similar to the following screen:
  3. To add new inventory item to Act of Disassembling, do the following:
    • From the Production Shop list (this list includes all your production shops), select a production shop where you want to disassemble the inventory item.
      NOTE: Each production shop is linked to certain location specified in the production shop settings. The name of that location is automatically displayed in the read-only field Location.
    • In the Name text box, start typing the name of inventory item to disassemble, and then select that item from the provided list.
      IMPORTANT: You should select only items stocked into location displayed in the Location field. Additionally, ensure that those items have active recipe of disassembling. Otherwise, Back Office returns one of the following error messages: “Recipe for this item is not found” or “Does not have enough items at location.”
    • In the Qty text box, specify an amount (in appropriate units of measurement) of the inventory item to disassemble. 
    • Optionally, specify the item expiration date in Expiration date.

    Under Results of Disassemble, do the following:

    • To ship all items, derived after disassembling the base item, to one location, select the All to one location checkbox, and then select that location from the Location list.
      If you left this checkbox cleared, specify a location for each resulting item in the Location column.
  4. Click Save (to save this Act without applying changes) or Save and Apply (to save this Act and apply changes).

IMPORTANT: Applying the Act of Disassembling decreases a balance of the base items (dressed chickens in our scenario) at their location. At the same time, the derived items (such as chicken legs, chicken breast, etc.) will be added to locations specified in the Results of Disassemble section of that Act of Disassembling.

Description of the Disassemble Act Form

A sample Act of Disassemble is shown earlier in this topic. This form includes the upper and lower panes:

  • The upper pane includes a list of the base items to disassemble according to this Act.
  • The lower pane Results of Disassemble displays a list of the base items ingredients. In this list, each item displays an amount of an ingredient per a unit of the base item.

See Also