All created stock delivery documents are listed in the Stock deliveries and Returns sub-module.

Here you can also see more details about an order, from which supplier it came and to where it was delivered.
And here it is also possible to create Stock delivery.
Here, we can also return purchased inventory to suppliers.

Let’s create a return.
Click on the ‘Return’ button. Choose which stock delivery you’d like to return.
In this screen, we’ll note which items we’d like to return and what quantity we’ll be returning.
Then confirm the return.

Following the return, we can see our inventory level has dropped accordingly.

We can see further details of returns by clicking an inventory item, then clicking ‘history’. We can see the quantity of items returned and the date and time of the return.
This function should be used solely for physical returns. If there is a shrinkage in the inventory for any other reason, correct the quantities through the normal adjustment methods.