The ‘price lists’ submodule is used to give items different prices in different stores.

By default, there is only one price list adhered to by all items in your menu. Any changes to prices within this default list will automatically change the price in the ‘items list’ submodule, and vice versa. These prices will always match each other.

We’ll see this in action here. First, let’s change the price in the ‘price list’ submodule.
Then let’s go to the items list and find the same item.
Again, let’s change its price within this submodule and return to the price list.
Once again, it matches the last price entered.

By working from the base price list, we can go ahead and create a new one. Let’s name it after our newly opened second store, Suburb.
We want this store to have lower prices than our base price list, so let’s edit the relevant items.
Click Save.

Once it’s done, let’s open up the store to which we’ll assign this new price list.
In the price list field, we’ll change its price list from Base price list to Suburb.
With this feature, you can seamlessly manage varying item prices across your stores.

It is important to note that changing item prices in additional lists will not change the prices within the base list.

If we want to change the price of an item across different lists, it’s easier to open the item page itself.
Open the ‘price lists’ tab and edit the prices there.
This is also useful for adding a new item to multiple price lists.